Expert Insights: Group Interviews


Would you like to help define competences in the game industry?
Now’s your chance!

Gamebadges is conducting focus group interviews in November to update the competence goals for bronze, silver, and gold levels. The Competence Map, originally published in 2020, is being updated, and we need to redefine the competence goals to create open badges that applicants can apply for.

What’s happening?

  • If you’re a game industry professional or game educator, please fill out this form.
  • We will select four candidates for each group and send out a Doodle poll to arrange a suitable schedule.
  • The first round of interviews will be with game professionals, and the second round with game educators.
  • Once the date is set, we will send out the materials to review before the meeting.
  • Please reserve 1.5 hours for the interview, during which we will discuss necessary changes and updates to the map based on your field of expertise.

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you!


We are asking for this background information to better prepare the small group interviews.




 Background information












Thank you for taking the time to provide this information! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

We'll contact you soon!

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